
Under Pietro’s tenure, Beretta Holding S.A. grew to more than 50 companies.

Accomplished entrepreneur and businessman with a passion for taking businesses to the next level.

Pietro Gussalli Beretta is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Beretta Holding Group, one of the most famous European industrial groups. Pietro manages the company with his father, Ugo, and brother Franco.

Pietro was born in Brescia, Italy, on February 28, 1962. He is a fifteenth-generation descendant of the founders of the Beretta dynasty, a renowned Italian small arms manufacturer dating to 1526.

After graduating in economics and business administration, Pietro chose to apply his financial and management expertise to the family business. After working for several years in various capacities across the Beretta Holding Group, Pietro assumed control of the Group’s strategic planning and development.

In 1996, Pietro founded Beretta Holding and began a corporate development strategy to expand the international presence and product offerings.

Pietro led a series of successful strategic acquisitions worldwide, including Great Britain, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Turkey, Canada, the United States, China, Australia, and New Zealand.

Under Pietro’s tenure, Beretta Holding S.A. grew to more than 50 companies that employ about 6,500 people across five continents. Beretta Holding brings in more than EUR 1.5 billion in annual revenues.


Career & commitments


Sanlorenzo S.p.A

Member of the Related Party Transactions Committee Chairman of the Nomination Committee

Lucchini RS S.p.A.

Member of the Board of Directors

UBI Banca S.p.A.

Member of the Board of Directors and Member of the Appointment Committee

UBI Banca S.p.A.

Vice President of the Supervisory Board and Member of the Appointment Committee

Banco di Brescia S.p.A

Vice President

UBI Banca International S.A


UBI Banca S.p.A

Member of the Supervisory Board

Banca Lambarda e Piemontese S.p.A

Member of the Board of Directors

SBS Leasing S.p.A




The oldest company in the world: How does a company survive 500 years?

Pietro Gussalli Beretta, President and CEO of Beretta Holding gave an interview to the Swiss Magazine NZZ

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Interview with Il Corriere della Sera: ''We will not stop after Switzerland. We will make more acquisitions and expand in the USA''

“Growth is the only way forward. We are ready to make new acquisitions”. The president and CEO of the European defence and sports activities group Beretta Holding explains its strategies and next moves.

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Beretta Holding: Strategic Investments Boost Financial Results in 2022

In 2022, Beretta Holding, thanks to organic and external growth, achieved consolidated net sales of over Eur 1,4 billion (compared to Eur 958 million in 2021) and reported an EBITDA of Eur 286.5 million.

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Dai tumori al Covid, le strategie rivoluzionarie della medicina

Ricchissimo di spunti il convegno promosso ieri all’Università dalla Fondazione Beretta

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Vaccini anti-tumori, la ricerca accelera e "impara" dal Covid

L’immunologo Alberto Mantovani “Non dimentichiamo che due antidoti sono già a disposizione Pandemia sottostimata in Africa”

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Beretta: "Nuova fabbrica in Usa e 500 milioni d'investimenti"

Pietro Gussalli Beretta annuncia l’apertura di un nuovo impianto negle Stati Uniti e un programma da 500 milioni di nuovi inversimenti e nuove acquisizioni

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Beretta compra il mito Holland&Holland

Colpo all’estero del gruppo bresciano marchio di fucili di lusso e abbigliamento da caccia – Nell’accordo rientra anche il prestigioso campo da tiro allestito per appassionati a Ovest di Londra

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Corriere della sera – Intervista

Il presidente di Beretta: La difesa? Un settore strategico per l’Italia – Serve più attenzione

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Giornale di Brescia Intervista Pietro Gussalli Beretta

L’ingegno italiano aiuterà le imprese a superare la crisi – Il presidente della holding: Il gruppo è solido, entro l’anno un’operazione straordinaria per crescere

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Da cinque secoli il mondo nel mirino

Beretta, in canna altri colpi mondiali “Laser e visori: il futuro delle armi”
“Ubi Banca deve creare valore Good bank, un’ottima mossa Non è stato facile dire no a Mps”

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Una marcia in più nei momenti di crisi

La tradizione conta anche nel settore delle armi

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Campioni olimpionici con storia centenaria

Dal primo archibugio per la Serenissima ai ripetuti trionfi dei tiratori ai Giochi di Rio: l’avanguardia tecnologica ha fatto delle armi Beretta (e non solo) un leader mondiale

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Beretta "La nuova America ha bisogno del made in Italy"

Gli Usa restano mercato d’elezione Le ricerche hi tech nel campo della sicurezza e delle armi “visive”

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Privacy Policy


Beretta Holding S.A.
RCS Luxembourg B224055
Registered office: 9, rue Sainte Zithe, L-2763 Luxembourg
Contact: finance@berettaholding.com or press@berettaholding.com

(Hereinafter referred to as the “Company”)

If you have any questions about this privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”), the practices of our sites, or your deadlines with our sites, you can contact us at the above e-mail and/or postal addresses.



The Company, when collecting, storing, and processing personal data of visitors (“you” or “your”) of the present website (the “Website”), is acting as data controller – pursuant to Articles 4, n. 7) and 24 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regards to the processing of personal data (the “GDPR“) – (the “Data Controller”).

The Data Controller hereby undertakes to always process personal data in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and any applicable national data protection laws (including but not limited to the Luxembourg law of 1st August 2018 organizing the National Commission for data protection and the general system on data protection, as amended from time to time) (collectively hereinafter the “Data Protection Laws”).

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  1. What personal data does the Data Controller collect?
  2. What is Personal Data used for?
  3. With whom will Personal Data be shared?
  4. How long will Personal Data be retained?
  5. The Data Subject’s rights
  6. Changes to this Privacy Notice


1. What personal data does the Data Controller collect?

In general, you are not required to disclose any personal data as a condition of using this Website and no personal data, such as your name, address, or e-mail address, is automatically collected during your visit to the Website.

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2. What is the Personal Data used for?

The Personal Data are processed by the Data Controller for the use of cookies (see Section III below), to respond to your requests in case you have contacted the Company and for general client relationship management purposes, where applicable.

The Data Controller may also, where applicable, process your Personal Data to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract or where it is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are subject.

3. With whom will Personal Data be shared?

The Personal Data may also be processed by the Data Controller’s data recipients (the “Recipients”) which, in the context of the above-mentioned purposes, refer to our website administrator, website analytics service provider and communication agency.

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The Recipients and Sub-Recipients may, as the case may be, process the Personal Data as data processors (when processing the Personal Data on behalf and upon instructions of the Data Controller and/or the Recipients), or as distinct data controllers (when processing the Personal Data for their own purposes, namely fulfilling their own legal obligations).

4. How long will Personal Data be retained?

The Data Controller will retain the Personal Data for the duration of your relationship with the Company and only for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes for which the Personal Data have been collected, unless longer or shorter statutory limitation periods apply. Once the Data Controller no longer requires the Personal Data for the purposes for which it was collected, it will securely destroy the Personal Data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

5. The Data Subject’s rights

In accordance with the conditions and limitations laid down by the Data Protection Laws, the Data Subjects acknowledge their right to:

  • access their Personal Data;
  • correct their Personal Data where it is inaccurate or incomplete;
  • object to the processing of their Personal Data;
  • restrict the use of their Personal Data;
  • have their Personal Data erased;
  • ask for Personal Data portability.

The Data Subjects may exercise their above rights by writing to the Data Controller to the contact details mentioned under Section I above.

The Data Subjects also acknowledge the existence of their right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données (the “CNPD”) at the following address: 15, Boulevard du Jazz, L-4370 Belvaux, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; or with any competent data protection supervisory authority of their EU Member State of residence.

6. Changes to this Privacy Notice

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically and without prior notice to you to reflect changes in our online information practices. When changes are made to this Policy, they will be made available to Data Subjects on the present Website. We therefore encourage you to periodically check this Privacy Policy to understand how the Company protects and uses your information.



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